Saturday, November 5, 2011

6. An appeal to spite

It is almost in our blood to feel as if revenge is a necessary action when one feels that they have been wronged. Appeal to spite is an interesting concept in that is it definitely a secondary emotion, but very powerful none-the-less. As humans we feel many different types of emotion, we are very complex beings. An example of appeal to spite would be as follows:

Dave: Can you help me trim the trees in my front yard?

Al: Well Dave, where were you when I was pulling weeds at my place last Sunday? You said you were too busy.

Dave is asking Al for a favor, but Al feels that it wouldn’t be fair if he went over and helped Dave because he was absent from helping Al with his yard work last weekend. This appeal to emotion does not make for a valid argument, but a good argument yes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lindsey Town! I loved how you started this post. I really like that you opened with the sentence "It is almost in our blood to feel as if revenge is a necessary action when one feels that they have been wronged". I bet almost everyone can relate to that sentence! I also like how you gave a simple definition and then followed it up with an example that probably everyone can relate to. I know that I have for sure been in many situations myself where I haven't wanted to help someone because they bailed on helping me. All in all, I think this was a very good post! Great Job!
