Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mission Critical Website

The mission critical web site was very helpful. I definitely liked it a lot. The way it was organized into each concept worked really well, I definitely learned a lot! All of the concepts we learned over the course of the semester are featured through this web site. This web site will help when it comes time to study for the final. All of the details on the web site are straight forward. The book doesn't offer such a straight forward approach. In the book I feel like we have to interpret all of the material into a solid definition. The examples on the web page are accompanied with pretty clear definitions. For me, actually reading straight definitions helps me understand concepts a lot better. Sometimes I search through the book to help to remember old concepts. This website will be great whenever I need to study for this class.

1 comment:

  1. First off, thank you so much for taking the time to not only look at the website but to reflect on how this website benefited how you understood the concepts explained. As I was reading through Chapter 15, the website, and our classmate's posts, I can definitely see that our Epstein book has its grey areas when it tries to explain important concepts on the lessons we need to learn. This is why I am thankful that we have a professor that researches different resources for us to look at in order to better understand what we are learning. I liked how you mentioned that not only did the Mission Critical website include things we are learning right now in class but it touched on many things we learned throughout the semester. Great post!
