Friday, October 21, 2011

Question 2 - major course assignment

Both of the first major assignments taught me a lot, but I definitely favored one over the other. I felt that the second course assignment was more helpful than the first course assignment. The first assignment; "Critical Thinking in News and Politics," wasn't very helpful for me. I didn't find to be all that interesting, and I wasn't very familiar with what an editorial was to begin with. The second assignment called, "Critical Thinking and Social Organizations" has been a lot more interesting. By knowing how my group operates, I've been able to judge the paper better. I also enjoyed learning more about the social organization my group chose, which was PETA. Learning about more than just the surface points that the organization is making, and actually seeing what PETA does really opened my eyes even as a vegetarian myself. Writing about news and politics doesn’t really interest me, so the flow of writing was a little more difficult for me.

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