Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vague Phrase

As a citizen of this country I can vouch for the wasteful ways of American society. We have been seeing more and more initiatives to waste less, reuse, and recycle. There has been a social campaign to “go green.” This can definitely be described as being a vague advertisement phrase because it’s saying one thing, but its meaning is completely different. What does “going green” mean exactly? It would be hard to know if you didn’t watch television or read the newspaper to understand that “going green” means to find ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle. From just the two word phrase, you wouldn’t be able to gather that because the literal meaning would be to paint yourself green! Well, depending on the interpretation of course. Overall I would say that the phrase “going green” is quite vague, but one way or another it has been widely popular and just about everyone knows what it means these days. I’m sure if a foreigner heard that they’d be a little lost!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Subjective and Objective Claims

Subjective and objective claims are used everyday to get a point across. Sometimes these types of claims are used in arguments, lectures, or even day to day conversations. My best example for these types of claims would have to be after attending my first day of work. My boss gave a small speech about how to do well at her office and to eventually get a raise or promotion. She started off by saying, "There are two types of people in this world, the one's who care and the one's who don't care." While this may be a good observation from the past, there is no true way of knowing who cares about the job and who doesn't, and maybe everyone cares! The statement my boss made was subjective because it has no absolute truth to it, it was just past experience and observations from former employees. An objective statement my boss made was when she said that she has fired half of all of her employees from when she opened. This is a true fact because out the 8 former employees, she has fired 4. That was a wake up call for me to make sure I did a good job!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Comm 41 Introduction

My name is Lindsey Richards. I'm a psychology major and I live in downtown San Jose. I'm from southern California where my family and pup still lives. I love music and being around my friends. I'm 20 years old and this will be my junior year. I hope to learn a lot in this class. :)